Wat is Thai Yoga Massage

foto1Thai Yoga Massage is a dynamic and meditative form of massage in which yoga stretches, massage, meditation, acupressure and healing are combined. It relates closely to yin yoga and is also known as “yoga for lazy people”.

Thai Yoga Massage
activates meridians/energy lines,
vitalizes the body,
stills the mind and
brings you in a state of deep healing relaxation.

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The session

You have your cloth on (loose pant with a t-shirt or sweater) and lay on a comfortable mat on the floor. Slow, flowing, rhythmic movements are combined with acupressure, using palms, thumbs, elbows or feet. In a meditative, healing energy field (the secret of Thai Yoga Massage, also called Metta in Bhuddism).

90 minutes is recommend, especially the first time, this costs € 63. When you come 60 minutes it costs € 50

The effect

foto2Thai Yoga Massage

  • improves your body consciousness
  • balances your energy
  • makes your organs function better
  • helps to eliminate toxins
  • strengthens your immune system
  • makes you more flexible (lengthens muscles and lubricates joints)
  • prevents and diminishes pain and stiffness in back, neck and shoulders
  • relieves (the effects of) tension and stress
  • stills the mind
  • frees and balances emotions

For whom


Thai Yoga Massage benefits everyone who wants to relax deeply, stay in balance and prevent or diminish health issues. It is especially beneficial in case of:

  • pain or stiffness in (lower) back, neck en shoulders
  • stress and stress related symptoms
  • burn-out
  • headaches
  • depression
  • menopauze or hormone imbalances (also see hormone balance yoga)
  • deepening your yoga and yin yoga practice


foto4Thai Yoga Massage has its roots in the ancient old Indian Ayurveda and Yoga traditions. And was brought to Thailand together with Bhuddism.

In the beginning it was only practiced by Bhuddist monks in the monasteries. Not just as massage, but as a spiritual practice for health and healing. With a central focus on learning to surpass suffering and living in the state of Metta (loving presence). Which is the foundation of Thai Yoga Massage and seen as its most valuable secret.

Having a background in  yoga and yin yoga I got attracted to this massage form, that is the perfect match between yoga, meditation, healing and massage. I studied at the Thai Dee institute for Thai Yoga Massage (HBO level) in Holland. I keep studying and learning. A.o. with Arno l’Hermite in Osteo Thai Yoga Massage and with Birgit Dieleman of Sawadee Massage & Spa in The Hague, Holland.